
zx 16V 167 d'hypnotic made in france
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Author:  hypnotic [ Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  zx 16V 167 d'hypnotic made in france

Salut amies anglais
je vous presente ma zx16v de 1997 avec 167cv couleur blanc nacré bleu
Zx 16v 167cv de mai 1997 avec 132624 kms
pour l instant elle roule bien pas de soucis particulier je trouve même quel María de la pêche: oh
On fait etait dessus une 114000 kms la distribution, la pompe a eau, les bougies, le mano de contact d huile, 4 ampoules H1 100W et recimentez la pompe a essence, filtre a essence, vidange, filtre a huile
La peinture à moins d Un an et al propement etait faite, il ya quelques petit raté mais rien de mechant
Dessus il ya un silencieux proler je crois et Un filtre a air style vert qui et pas terrible
j ai Changer les clignotans par laterale Ceux de ma Xsara et que je trouve ça lui va mieux
La voiture va rester d origine au maximum peu etre un teintage des vitres avant la fin de l annee a voir
sinon elle a les memes truc que les autres ZX CAD, VE, FC, DA, chargeur de clim, code anti demarage
mettre des photos au: lol:
[url = http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.ph ... u=11291791] [img] http://i89.servimg.com/u/f89/11/29/17/91/100_1914. jpg [/ img] [/ url]
[url = http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.ph ... u=11291791] [img] http://i89.servimg.com/u/f89/11/29/17/91/100_1915. jpg [/ img] [/ url]
[url = http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.ph ... u=11291791] [img] http://i89.servimg.com/u/f89/11/29/17/91/100_1916. jpg [/ img] [/ url]
[url = http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.ph ... u=11291791] [img] http://i89.servimg.com/u/f89/11/29/17/91/100_1917. jpg [/ img] [/ url]
[url = http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.ph ... u=11291791] [img] http://i89.servimg.com/u/f89/11/29/17/91/100_1918. jpg [/ img] [/ url]
[url = http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.ph ... u=11291791] [img] http://i89.servimg.com/u/f89/11/29/17/91/100_1919. jpg [/ img] [/ url]
[url = http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.ph ... u=11291791] [img] http://i89.servimg.com/u/f89/11/29/17/91/100_1920. jpg [/ img] [/ url]
[url = http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.ph ... u=11291791] [img] http://i89.servimg.com/u/f89/11/29/17/91/100_1921. jpg [/ img] [/ url]
[url = http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.ph ... u=11291791] [img] http://i89.servimg.com/u/f89/11/29/17/91/100_1922. jpg [/ img] [/ url]
[url = http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.ph ... u=11291791] [img] http://i89.servimg.com/u/f89/11/29/17/91/100_1927. jpg [/ img] [/ url]

Les Petits voiture defaut il en faut mais rien de mechant
Une batterie de chez Renault: evil:
[url = http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.ph ... u=11291791] [img] http://i89.servimg.com/u/f89/11/29/17/91/100_1923. jpg [/ img] [/ url]
filtre pas genial que je vais changeur de la prochaine semaine
[url = http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.ph ... u=11291791] [img] http://i89.servimg.com/u/f89/11/29/17/91/100_1924. jpg [/ img] [/ url]
Une marche arriere mal negocier Et Paf Une rayure sur l extention
[url = http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.ph ... u=11291791] [img] http://i89.servimg.com/u/f89/11/29/17/91/100_1925. jpg [/ img] [/ url]
La calandre fendu en plein milieu Putins C et Est de moucherons
[url = http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.ph ... u=11291791] [img] http://i89.servimg.com/u/f89/11/29/17/91/100_1926. jpg [/ img] [/ url]
et les crans du siège conducteur Qui deconne Que Je reparerer La semaine prochaine aussi
a bientot pour d'autres nouvelles: wink:

Author:  m0gsi [ Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: zx 16V 167 d'hypnotic made in france

Very nice car!

Google translate managed to decode your funky language!

Author:  jaimieberkhout [ Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: zx 16V 167 d'hypnotic made in france

If I translate Dutch to google I get a very strange text.
But beautiful zx you got there.

Author:  ZX-Cruiser [ Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: zx 16V 167 d'hypnotic made in france

Plz fix your tags and speak ENGLISH!

BTW welcome ;)

Author:  hypnotic [ Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: zx 16V 167 d'hypnotic made in france

merci a tous :wink:

Author:  hypnotic [ Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: zx 16V 167 d'hypnotic made in france

non moi pas parler la langue de Shakespeare mais plutot la langue de moliere :wink:
je comprend votre langue mais je la parle pas

Author:  m0gsi [ Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: zx 16V 167 d'hypnotic made in france

Shakespeare > moliere!

Author:  ZX-Cruiser [ Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: zx 16V 167 d'hypnotic made in france

hypnotic wrote:
non moi pas parler la langue de Shakespeare mais plutot la langue de moliere :wink:
je comprend votre langue mais je la parle pas

Use google then, you're not the only one here that doesnt write English!

Author:  hypnotic [ Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: zx 16V 167 d'hypnotic made in france

nouvelles photos

Author:  jaimieberkhout [ Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: zx 16V 167 d'hypnotic made in france

Your Zx Looks good, Only thing You have to do its lower te zx 4cm. Than he looks great :wink:

Author:  ZX-Cruiser [ Sat Aug 29, 2009 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: zx 16V 167 d'hypnotic made in france

I think the wheels look a bit .... odd ! Ever considered white compomotive's?

Author:  m0gsi [ Sun Aug 30, 2009 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: zx 16V 167 d'hypnotic made in france

The first set of wheels look much nicer. France looks beautiful.

Author:  jaimieberkhout [ Sun Aug 30, 2009 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: zx 16V 167 d'hypnotic made in france

Yes the other weels are to dark. And to small.

Author:  edsonmassao [ Sun Sep 13, 2009 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: zx 16V 167 d'hypnotic made in france

I don't know why I love white ZX's :roll: :D

Very nice ZX, hypnotic, but...the original rims seems better than these black ones...!

Author:  hypnotic [ Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: zx 16V 167 d'hypnotic made in france

Nouvelle photo
[url = http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.ph ... u=11291791] [img] http://i89.servimg.com/u/f89/11/29/17/91/zx11010. jpg [/ img] [/ url]

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