
project zx 16v
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Author:  vtcarl [ Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  project zx 16v


these were done shortly after we gave it a wash, clay and a machine polish. followed by a good wax.

this is it with the rockercover cleaned and painted, and the original inlet removed and a gti6 one painted and put in the originals place. also had to relocate the oil filler as it would not go back from where it was originally.
still lots to do but its a quick glimpse for you guys of mine and my mates car.

Author:  jaimieberkhout [ Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: project zx 16v

Looks nice!! And how much hp do you have now with this intake manifold????

Author:  bxzx16v [ Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: project zx 16v

It looks like my car has a twin ! Great pics and the car looks very nice , going to machine polish mine soon what polish/etc did you use on yours , if I could get away with it I'd buy another 16v but lack of space and 3 other vehicles don't help , look after the zx as there really aren't many left now I've heard figures of 40 or possibly 80 ish but nothing definate though, if these cars had an Rs badge on they would be valued alot higher but would be a bag of spanners too , Citroën rules !!!!!!!!! Mark

Author:  jaimieberkhout [ Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: project zx 16v

Its almost a ph2. I see a steering wheel wit airbag and gray counting blades.
Whats the bilding date?

Author:  vtcarl [ Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: project zx 16v

Mark, cheers for the comment. I will find out for you what the polisher is.
The car was registered in 1995, but I can't say when it was made.

Author:  ZX-Cruiser [ Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: project zx 16v

Check the ORGA number at the frontleft strut, then you can calculate productiondate.

Author:  dugy cam [ Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: project zx 16v

that is a nice clean car u got not many if any bumps or knock and all for a small pound or two great deal.

how easy was it to put on the intake? notice any diference?
it has the mark one wheel and a mark 2 bonnet mark one wheel are better me tinks :D

Author:  vtcarl [ Fri Oct 29, 2010 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: project zx 16v

dugy cam wrote:
that is a nice clean car u got not many if any bumps or knock and all for a small pound or two great deal.

how easy was it to put on the intake? notice any diference?
it has the mark one wheel and a mark 2 bonnet mark one wheel are better me tinks :D

there is a scrape on the front drivers corner on the front bumper. we will be getting that off and filled , primed then resprayed. as for the inlet, my mate did the most with fitting. but it was a real mare fitting. very fiddly , and the relocating of the oil fille aws the most work. even though it doesnt look it, beleive me and my mate, it was. the original inlet was missing the vaccum parts on both sides, so it felt flat lower down the revs. with this inlet it feels better from low to high revs.

Author:  dugy cam [ Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: project zx 16v

hehehehe so thats why u didint take a foto of that side of the car then.CLEVER HAHAHA.i was just wondering about the intake just out of intrest i will never actualy do it it the same with the manifold of the gti-6 all good to do but will never get round to do it

Author:  vtcarl [ Sat Oct 30, 2010 8:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: project zx 16v

yep, didnt want to show its little bruise. the inlet wouldn't of been done if the original one wasnt missing the vaccum bits. but it was a nightmare. we are now in the process of the clutch, we managed to get the box off and replace the clutch with a valeo one. but the box is a mare to get back on :evil: . but we will prevail.

Author:  bxzx16v [ Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: project zx 16v

Hope the clutch/gearbox refit goes well , a mechanic friend who works on my zx says they are are a bitch of a job and he's a Citroen mechanic , just a quick question does your rear quater windows let any water in at the bottom edge ? Mines got a habit of letting a bit in , the seal seems ok and is not perished just wondered if it was a zx problem or just mine , Mark

Author:  vtcarl [ Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: project zx 16v

bxzx16v wrote:
Hope the clutch/gearbox refit goes well , a mechanic friend who works on my zx says they are are a bitch of a job and he's a Citroen mechanic , just a quick question does your rear quater windows let any water in at the bottom edge ? Mines got a habit of letting a bit in , the seal seems ok and is not perished just wondered if it was a zx problem or just mine , Mark

yeah its proving to be one fitting it back. just fights us all the way. we will beat it though. the seals are ok, no residue around the seal or trim. my old ax and my saxo now had the same problem. with the ax i just took the seal off and made a tiny hole with a drill bit to aid drainage. with my saxo i just got a new one. you could take the seal off and bend in the lip very slightly, it may pull the seal in to the window.

Author:  bxzx16v [ Sat Oct 30, 2010 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: project zx 16v

Will have a mess with the seal when I have got some time , when my pal put a clutch in a bx16v of mine it took 1/2 day it looks like a full day job in the zx now , was the clutch kit expensive ? Mark

Author:  fingerpie [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: project zx 16v

Hi I'm Carl's mate and half owner of car :D
Clutch kit was £55 plus postage, hopefully the weekend will mean gearbox back on - we've got it planned a bit better this time.
Hopefully will have some more pics at weekend as the front subframe has been off and tarted up - leaking power steering ram that's just been replaced.

Author:  vtcarl [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: project zx 16v

Hey hey. Bout time you showed up. Getting hard describing the work you've done.

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